19 abril 2007

untitled & uncommented

true love will find you in the end
you'll find out just who was your friend
don’t be sad, I know you will,
but don’t give up until
true love finds you in the end.

this is a promise with a catch
only if you're looking will it find you
‘cause true love is searching too
but how can it recognize you
unless you step out into the light?
but don’t give up until
true love finds you in the end.

daniel johnston


Blogger Letras de Babel said...

Interessante. Não conhecia este autor, fui pesquisar.

Voos incompreendidos...


quinta-feira, abril 19, 2007 11:25:00 da tarde  
Blogger R. said...

Escrever é sonhar com as mãos,e ler sonhar com o coração..I will not give up,never!!bj

sexta-feira, abril 20, 2007 3:10:00 da manhã  

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